Friday, July 15, 2016

But I Don't Wanna Go There!

We all have that one place we LOATHE going to but have to go anyway.  For me, this place isn’t a job, or school or a doctor office…this place is Walmart.  It’s just something I have to face though; every week, for my own shopping and when I take my parents to get their groceries. I’ve tried to avoid it by shopping elsewhere, but I’m not a very savvy, coupon clipping shopper and this is the place I save the most money. Their slogan is “Save Money. Live Better”.  I definitely save money with most of my purchases. The whole live better part on their end needs some work!  I’m not sure how this deep disdain began with Walmart but I’m not alone.  There are blogs strictly dedicated towards their hate for Walmart, songs making fun of Walmart customers and hundreds of memes that coincide with multiple reasons I abhor Wally world.  Allow me to share some with you:

NUMBER ONE REASON – 30 CHECKOUT LANES, 3 AVAILABLE! This may be a stretch but not by much.  I swear every Walmart is the same way too.  We have three stores in this town and the lines are always long.  It never fails that you will be standing in line for awhile, whether you are in the 20 items or less lane or standing behind someone with two carts full of crap.  Thank God for the magazine racks near the register!

NUMBER TWO REASON – SELF CHECKOUT LANES! Ok, these have helped relieve some of the stress with the lack of open checkouts but come on, there’s a total of 10 registers, and it never fails that at least 2 are usually out of order.  Are you purchasing wine for a romantic dinner with the hubs?  You get to wait to have a self-checkout employee that monitors the registers to check your ID or you can’t even stay in the self-checkout line and have to go stand in a regular checkout line. Plus, I am all for convenience, but I can’t help to think, I am spending my money in  your store to help pay your employees, and yet I’m doing the job you should have your employees doing…FOR PETE'S SAKE OPEN THOSE OTHER 27 LANES!

NUMBER THREE REASON- INVASION OF PERSONAL SPACE! This is a BIG one for me!!!! Did people lose all manners and common sense when they walked through the entrance? I have just spent an hour in this store, focused on getting what I need and wanting to get out as fast as possible.  I am already irritated because it’s Walmart and now more irate because of the whole line issue. I finally get up to the register and begin to put my items on the belt and then I feel a presence.  I don’t even want to turn around.  The fact I can feel their body heat proves they are way too close and we would be nose to nose if I face them.  I move up and lo and behold so do they.  You’re invading my bubble, people!!! 

NUMBER FOUR REASON- THE CLIENTELE! Let me start off by saying I’M NOT A SNOB. I have no reason to be. I didn’t grow up rich by any means.  I know people come from all walks of life. Honestly though, there is just some attire etiquette /personal hygiene that applies when going out anywhere, but for some reason people don’t obey this at Walmart! That being said, there is a reason for the website People of Walmart.  I’m not saying you have to wear your Sunday best (but that’s okay if you do).  First of all, pajamas are for the home, not the store.  I understand there are those times where it’s super late at night and you need to grab a necessity and you leave your house in a hurry.  If it’s in the afternoon and you’re sick or just got out of the hospital and need meds, then I totally get it.  If you’re just rolling out of bed and its 3 o clock, and you didn’t want to get dressed…NOT OKAY! Ladies, wear a bra.  Guys, pull your pants up.  People, buy a brush and run it through your hair.  It’s the little things that count.

Even after all this complaining, I will suck it up and continuing shopping at Walmart, but I certainly do feel better after getting some of that out in the open and appreciate you taking the time to read my “whining”!

Hope you all have a great and happy weekend! - M


  1. Why I switched to Target. Just sayin'! Excellent Post, Misty! I needed a good laugh this morning and you certainly delivered!

  2. Lol! Can't stand the people creeping on me in check out line. I'm going to say something one day. I have good luck at Meijer. Can clip their coupons on your phone or computer and just enter your phone number at checkout. I love it!

    1. I wish Meijer was closer to me because I would go there for groceries. I should go sometime when I am out at Target. Thanks for letting us know about the coupons.

  3. LMAO!!!! So true! Walmart has become a necessary evil in my life. I just put it off as long as I can. It really is a place where you can see all kinds of anything and everything. I would add there is always a screaming child there when I go. Good read today sissy, a fun way to end a long day!

  4. Aldi is awesome but needs to sell more household goods. You can't beat it for groceries though!
