Monday, July 18, 2016


On Saturday, I woke up with the worst headache and I knew it was going to be a migraine. It wouldn’t have mattered any other day but Saturday was the Moore reunion on my mom’s side of the family. We barely see each other more than once a year because we are scattered all over, so there was no way I would miss the reunion.

I knew this migraine was from the weather and I decided to take my normal cocktail of medication and pray. I text Misty and my mom at the same time asking to agree with me in prayer that the pain would leave; It was gone by 10 am and never returned. (Thank you, God!)

But this post isn’t about migraines or even about family reunions, although I probably wouldn’t have come to this thought process if it hadn’t been for the insane amount of love I feel for my family. This post is about how many other families in the world have had to lay their loved ones to rest because of the senseless violence going on all around us.

You see, as I drove out to my family reunion, knowing I would get to share memories and visit with those I love most in this world, my heart sank as I became acutely aware of how some families would not be able to do this. In 2016 alone, we have turned our social media on and read, watched, or listened to a new story about someone or many dying in the name of hate. My heart hurts for these people. My heart hurts trying to explain to my child why these things happen and how they will never completely end.

And the reason I know this and you know this is because the most potentially dangerous weapon in the world lies within each of us; it is the human heart. It has the ability to grow hate and with hate comes action. But we have such an opportunity to fill our hearts and the hearts of others with love. Especially when the world turns dark and we weep and mourn for those around us, we must ACT and RESPOND with LOVE.

Do not give up hope but rather be the hope for someone hurting right now. Show people love when they would expect anything but. As we enter into the second half of 2016, take a few minutes to think about ways YOU can fill your heart with love for others who need you. The violence is everywhere, my friends. Nice and Turkey are our neighbors. Orlando, Dallas, Minnesota, and Louisiana are right in our back yard. Be the light God has called us to be and flood this dark world with His love.

Light and Love Always, ~K 


  1. Well said, it all starts with each one of us. We can't make others love us but we can stop from promoting hate.

    1. I know it was a bit deeper than we'd like to share on here, but I felt it needed to be addressed. People are so quick to speak their negative opinions on the matters of the world and yet these same people do not want to life a finger to change it. LOVE! Someway, somehow, we must show it. Thanks for the comment. You are such a light! :)

    2. Amen! A little kindness goes a long way and there is nothing to gain from hate.
