Monday, July 25, 2016

Pretty in Pink on Monday

I spent the weekend trying to find time and inspiration for my post today, but I drew blanks, felt exhausted from my hectic schedule, and wanted to keep it simple. Since I know Mondays can make or break the week, I wanted to come up with something light and fun to put us all in the right mood.

 As I contemplated how to make that possible for all of you, I thought I would go to my happy place, and by happy place I mean my favorite movie from the 80's. We all have a favorite of something that instantly puts us in a good mood, right? Pretty much anything from the 80's can do this for me but I have a special fondness for this movie that separates it from the rest. I'm not sure if it's because of Andie's amazing fashion sense, Blane's boyish good looks, or Duckie's undying loyalty and ability to make Andie smile no matter what, but this movie is and always will be, my favorite. 

Pretty in Pink
Starring Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy, and John Cryer

There are a million reasons why I love Pretty in Pink but just too many to share. So instead of rambling about why I love it, I thought I would share a few of my favorite lines, songs, and scenes from the movie. I hope you all have the best Monday possible! ~K~

And just in case anyone was wondering....


  1. Now I need to listen to the soundtrack! James Spader forever!! LOL!!

    1. I didn't even post a pic of James Spader. Now I need to add it! He is my favorite as Steff. He always makes a good bad guy!!! The soundtrack is the BEST!!!
