Friday, August 5, 2016

Home Away From Home

This week I have been volunteering for Vacation Bible School at the church Kendra belongs to.  It has been like old home week.  Kendra’s mom is the leader of the Children’s Ministry and a few of the teachers are ones that taught me at the church I grew up in.  Being involved in the activities this week brought back memories of my former home church.

Wednesday Service Activity

First Assembly of God was a church that sat on the corner of Carpenter and Klein.  My dad decided he was going to check it out one Sunday night back in 1979.  The next Sunday he and my mom loaded seven kids in the car and drove us to church and that became our second home for many years.  I spent the majority of my first twenty five years of life at that building.  I was baptized there, worked there, married there and was there the day they tore it down.  

Wedding Day 1997

My favorite part about First Assembly was my time in Youth Group.  We always had some type of function going on.  Lock In’s, trips to Six Flags every summer, Friday night gym nights, Youth Rallies, conventions, chili suppers, Harvest Festivals…you name it, and the youth was involved in it.  Many of the friendships I made there are still intact today.  

Annual Youth Six Flags Trip

The church that was once known as First Assembly of God is now under different leadership, with a different name and location. 130 Carpenter Street is now a parking lot for one of the major hospitals in town.  I don’t know if I will ever find another church or church family like that again but I am forever grateful to my parents for finding such an awesome place to have as my home away from home.  
First Assembly of God Church

Harvest Festival

Youth Group Reunion
Youth Convention
Agape Fest 1995

Being our normal goofy selves


  1. Best memories as a kid. I loved First Assembly and all of the wonderful people from this church who are still in my life today! Great post!!!

  2. So many wonderful memories! I miss that place. Nowhere else is quite the same. Thanks for posting this.
